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Thanks For Joining Us!

Thank you for signing up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge list! We hope that you will be excited to start receiving your Tips and Ideas on supercharging your website!




You will soon be receiving an email asking that you confirm that you want to receive the emails about your Tips and Ideas on making your blog more successful.

Go NOW and look for that email so you can click the link. If you do nothing at this point,  you will NOT get the daily emails with blogging ideas. You will NOT get all the benefits of being in the community.

Thanks again – it is an honor that you have allowed me to serve you in this capacity.

If you need to contact me, feel free to post in the Facebook group!

Blog On!

Are You Interested In
Taking This To a Serious Level?

Want to really supercharge your efforts and truly get the most out of your blogging efforts? Join the elite group of Ultimate Blog Challenge Inner Circle members.

The UBC Inner Circle will help you take your blog to the next level with total support. Learn how to track your progress, identify where traffic is coming from, and get one-on-one support when you need it most. With total access to Weekly Open Office Hours for members only - including live demonstrations and training - the list goes on!


Join us for only $47 for the month of the July Ultimate Blog Challenge!