October 5, 2024 – Day 5

Welcome to Day 5 of the October UBC Challenge. We will be officially posting and sharing here. As in the past, you will publish your blog post on your website and come here and add it as a comment below. At the time that you share your comment, please visit the 2 sites listed above yours and read and comment on those sites.
Happy Saturday! https://diana1.com/sugar-cravings-sunrider-nuplus/
Day 5: https://thethreegerbers.blogspot.com/2024/10/ubc-october-2024-qualities-and-skills.html
Loved and commented
Thanks – I commented on your post.
Tamara, great discussion, great post. I commented, shared to X.
I did not see a way to leave a comment
I saw the comment box above the Facebook, X, and email share buttons at the bottom of the page. It is a facebook comments plugin, if that helps
Commented! 🙂
I did not log in so I was unable to leave a comment on your site. Here is what I (would have) wrote:
What a beautiful reflection on love! Your words are filled with so much wisdom and remind us that love is not only about the joy we experience but also about how it transforms and heals us. I really appreciate how you highlight the importance of being present and open to the love around us. Your post is truly encouraging, and it inspires readers to live with more intention and gratitude in their relationships. Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt message! Keep spreading that positive light!
My Personal Tips to Becoming an Amazon Best Seller https://createmeow.com/my-personal-tips-to-becoming-an-amazon-best-seller/
I commented and signed up for the release party!
Day 5 https://homeschoolingonashoestring.com/exercise-routine-for-seated-leg-lifts/
Commented and did some of the exercises as I went along. Thank you!
Thanks for the advice – I will be putting it to good use to help my spinning. Oh yeah… I commented on your post as well 🙂
UBC Day 5: https://easyglutenfreeliving.com/recipe/crocktober-fest-day-5-easy-breezy-scalloped-potatoes/
Commented! Such a yummy recipe (my comment said waiting moderation FYI)
Commented! I tried to share but the share button did not work. But I did print it off so I can make this! Can’t wait!!
One of those childhood recipes
Commented! Looks like a a great recipe for cold days!
Commented and added the ingredients to my shopping list!
UBC Day 5; https://creativelifemidwife.com/2024/10/the-space-between-yes-no-is-unknowing-love-everything-nothing/
UBC Day 5; https://creativelifemidwife.com/2024/10/the-space-between-yes-no-is-unknowing-love-everything-nothing/
This was such a great post! Inspiring! Commented.
Day 5 https://itsabeautifulthinglife.com/5-digital-marketing-tips/
Danelle – Commented! Your tips about leveraging automation are so practical and empowering. Thanks!
Danelle, awesome job with your blog post. Great tips and strategies.
Great ideas here! Commented!
Commented! Very helpful suggestions for blogging.
commented and good to see your face icon!
commented. Great suggestions.
Day 5: Posting this from the bottom of my Jewish heart. 💙 – https://lifewithoutamanual.org/spiritual-awakenings-and-safety-concerns/
Very interesting post. I learned something today. Thanks for sharing.
Commented (on one of the thread of comments – couldn’t find a seperate comment box!
Happy Saturday! Here is Day 5 Post – https://gingerlondon.wordpress.com/2024/10/05/discover-whats-missing-next-chapter-day-one/
good idea to do a challenge. Commented
Day 5 – ᎯᏍᎩ (hi-s-gi)
Day 5 – ᎯᏍᎩ (hi-s-gi)
Day 5
(Wrong link – by the time I back and forthed to get it, lol
Wonderful pictures and great memories. Commented
CommenTed, I’m working on it!
Day 5 – UBC
It’s Silly Saturday!
Commented. 😂
Martha– loved, commented, liked, shared to X
Laurie– commented, shared to X
day five of the continuing story of Baby Bear.
Alice, commented, shared to X.
commented. I think. It’s taking a long time to post.
whoops. After all that, I posted in the wrong spot. I have not commented on my own post, but you’re all certainly invited to do so.
Silly images for Silly Saturday! https://wp.me/pw4HM-1TH
Commented – Although I am not sure why I showed up as “fortunatelyteenagee4b9b28843” – I will have to look into that!
Commented. Seems I have to jump thru so many hoops to do that now. What the heck?