October 1, 2024 – Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the October UBC Challenge. We will be officially posting and sharing here. As in the past, you will publish your blog post on your website and come here and add it as a comment below. At the time that you share your comment, please visit the 2 sites listed above yours and read and comment on those sites.
This post was so helpful to me especially as I tried to think of how to manage the 31 day challenge this month.
I’m looking forward to more helpful hints as. the month goes on.
Sorry Angie. It says your page can’t be found.
Cheryl – your website wouldn’t let me post as a guest for some reason, but here is my comment:
You inspire me! Thanks for all you do to raise awareness and build community around aphasia. XO – Elisa
Thank you. Wix requires everyone to join to comment. I don’t know how to avoid it. I really apppreciate your comment.
I am unable to comment on posts now as I am at the doctor’s with my mother.
It says there’s an error on my captcha but 5+5= 10 last I knew. LOL
Disregard my 1st reply that was for a blog down farther, not sure how I got it here! CommenTed, liked
https://sunmoonstarshine.com/the-adventure-of-a-little-bear/ This is part one of the tale of Bearnacle Bear the seafaring bear when he was a cub.
Very clever! I commented on your site.
thank you, Cheryl.
CommenTed, love your story!
Commented!!! I was intrigued 🤔
Will comment right after this.
I must have missed that memo. Thank, Lily, for mentioning it on your blog. So here’s my link:
Good to see you again! CommenTed
Commented but I’m not sure if you received it. I am sad that summer is over, but I do love the fall. And maybe we will get an Indian summer where we get a few days of warm weather in early November.
It says there’s an error on my captcha but 5+5= 10 last I knew. LOL
I had the same issue with the captch as Martha. Here is my comment: This is super cute! My toy poodle has been a ballerina every year, and I don’t think she appreciates how cute she looks. LOL!
commented – trying to post this here for the second time
Today starts the October 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge!
Day 1 – https://themarthareview.com/another-ultimate-blog…/
Martha, you sum it up so beautifully! As always, I’m looking forward to what you and Lia may share this month. Love and hugs–
Thank you Kebba!
will comment. It’s a pain to comment first and to find you again to say I commented. Hope it works.
UBC Day 1 – https://easyglutenfreeliving.com/crocktober-fest/crocktober-fest-day-1/
Mary, I was very excited to see your post! Crocktober indeed! I feel so much better when I eat gluten-free. May I share your cookbook with friends? Also, I subscribed. How wonderful to have you in the UBC this cycle.
Mary, I also tweeted your link.
Yummm! Commented
I’m not sure why it’s not letting me post my Day 1 post. I’ll try again: https://easyglutenfreeliving.com/crocktober-fest/crocktober-fest-day-1/
I commented! Great post! Thank you!
Paul, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Your spam blocker is asking me what kind of a website address is that, and won’t post my comments for Day 1. https://easyglutenfreeliving.com/crocktober-fest/crocktober-fest-day-1/
Commented and liked.
Day 1! https://www.didyoubringthehummus.com/post/first-of-all-how-is-it-already-october
Kimberly, commented. How about some soup recipes?
I am a little confused. We post here, comment on two above us like before, and do nothing with Facebook this time?
Commented and tweeted.
Plus there is no where to “like” after someone leaves a comment. Seems like a lot of excess typing when leaving a “thank you” after someone comments on you post by having to fill in the name, email and website again. I don’t think I’m a fan of this new way but then again maybe I’m just too old for change. LOL
I feel the same way. What was wrong with the Facebook thread?
Commented! Thank you for sharing!
Wonderful to be back! Here’s my Day 1 post: https://wp.me/pw4HM-1ST
Commented and liked.
Commented liked and tweeted
Glad to see you back Kebba! Commented, X, liked.
Will comment right after this.
Day one: https://www.ladyinreadwrites.com/navratri-golu-down-memory-lane-and-back/
Day 1 https://www.shinecenter.net/love-reflections-part-i-love-is-natural
Commented and tweeted.
It has been a minute, here is my Day 1
It has been a minute, here is my Day 1
I’m trying to comment on your blog post but I don’t see where I can do that.
Trying to stay motivated to do something other than doom scroll. Someone posted about UBC and I thought….lets give it a go again.
Thinking about starting a newsletter: https://feralcoziness.wordpress.com/2024/10/01/newsletters-e-zines-and-random-things/
Day 1 – https://www.florencecallender.com/how-to-foster-a-love-for-learning-in-your-child/