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How to Leave a Good Comment on an Article You Read

A screenshot of a blog comments section showing multiple users thanking the author and discussing blogging.

Leaving a comment on an article you’ve read can be a rewarding and valuable experience for you and the author. However, not all comments add value. Learning to leave a good comment can enhance your online presence, build relationships with other readers and authors, and positively contribute to the conversation. In this article, we’ll explore how to leave a comment effectively and discuss the benefits of doing so.

The Benefits of Leaving Comments

  1. Engagement and Community Building – Leaving thoughtful comments fosters engagement and helps build a community around the article. It shows that you are interested in the topic and willing to contribute to the discussion.
  2. Building Relationships – Engaging with authors and other readers through comments can help you build relationships. Authors appreciate feedback; other readers may find your insights valuable, leading to potential networking opportunities.
  3. Enhancing Your Knowledge – Commenting allows you to share your perspective and learn from others. Reading different viewpoints can deepen your understanding of the topic.
  4. Driving Traffic to Your Blog – Thoughtful comments can attract attention to your blog or website. When you leave insightful remarks, readers may click on your profile to learn more about you.
  5. Boosting SEO – Engaging in comments can also indirectly benefit your SEO. Consistent interaction can help establish your authority and drive organic traffic to your site.

How to Leave a Good Comment

  1. Read the Entire Article – Ensure you have read the entire article before commenting. This helps you understand the author’s points and prevents you from repeating information or asking questions already addressed.
  2. Be Respectful and Constructive – Always maintain a respectful tone, even if you disagree with the author. Constructive criticism is welcome, but it should be presented politely and thoughtfully.
  3. Add Value – Your comment should add value to the conversation. Share your own experiences and insights, or ask meaningful questions. Avoid generic comments like “Great post!” which don’t contribute much to the discussion.
  4. Be Specific – Refer to specific points in the article when commenting. This shows that you have thoroughly read and engaged with the content. For example, “I found your point about the importance of keyword research particularly insightful.”
  5. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling—Ensure your comment is well-written and free of spelling or grammatical errors. This will make your comment easier to read and show that you are serious about your contribution.
  6. Stay On Topic – Keep your comment relevant to the article’s content. Going off on a tangent can confuse other readers and detract from the main discussion.

Example of a Good Comment

Let’s consider an example based on an article about the benefits of sustainable living:

Article Title: “10 Benefits of Adopting a Sustainable Lifestyle”

Good Comment:
“Great article! I completely agree with your points about reducing waste and saving money through sustainable living. I recently started composting at home, and it has significantly reduced the amount of trash we produce. Additionally, I’ve found that buying in bulk not only cuts down on packaging waste but also saves us money in the long run. One challenge I’ve faced is finding local stores that support bulk buying. Do you have any tips on locating such stores or alternative ways to reduce packaging waste? Thanks for sharing these valuable insights!”

How To Leave a Good Blog Comment

Learning how to leave a good comment is essential for meaningful online engagement. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can contribute positively to the conversation, build relationships, and even drive traffic to your own blog. Remember, a thoughtful and respectful comment not only benefits you, but also enriches the community and supports the author. Next time you read an article, take a moment to leave a comment that adds value and fosters engagement.

Consider joining the Digital Maestro Academy for more tips on blogging and online engagement. Our comprehensive courses and expert guidance will help you master the art of blogging and online interaction. Sign up for the Digital Maestro Academy today and take your blogging skills to the next level!


  1. Kristine on July 15, 2024 at 8:02 am

    Excellent post, and I’m so glad to see you tackle this subject.
    I also learned that it helps your SEO if you use keywords from the author in your comment.

    Thanks for the guide!

    • Paul on July 15, 2024 at 8:08 am

      Every little bit helps, Kristine! Thanks for stopping by!

      • Dr.Amrita Basu on July 15, 2024 at 11:32 am

        Commenting is the online equivalent of having a conversation, just not in real time.Leaving a digital footprint everywhere through comments is actually a very good way of building up a brand .Great tips Paul.

        • Paul on July 15, 2024 at 9:52 pm

          Hi Dr. Amrita!

          I love how you compared commenting to having a conversation—so true! Your digital footprint analogy is spot on. Engaging in discussions through comments is such a fantastic way to build your brand and connect with others. Keep leaving those thoughtful comments and making your mark!

  2. Safrianna Lughna on July 15, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    Thank you for this insightful article on leaving good comments, Paul. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on adding value to the conversation and being specific in our responses. Your point about reading the entire article before commenting resonated with me, as I’ve seen many instances where commenters clearly haven’t done so.

    In my experience, asking thoughtful questions can also spark further discussion and potentially lead to follow-up articles. For instance, I’m curious about your thoughts on handling trolls or overly negative comments in a blog’s comment section. Do you have any strategies for maintaining a positive commenting environment without stifling different opinions?

    • Paul on July 15, 2024 at 9:57 pm

      Hi Safrianna!
      Hi Safrianna –
      Your thoughtful comment really captures the essence of leaving valuable and specific comments. Asking questions indeed propels discussions further. Regarding your question about handling trolls, creating a commenting policy and consistently moderating comments can help. It’s about striking a balance between fostering a positive environment and encouraging diverse opinions. Your insights are spot on and add great value to this conversation!

  3. Jeanine Byers on July 15, 2024 at 12:54 pm

    I appreciate your suggestion to read the entire article and comment on specific parts of it. Even when people disagree with me, it pleases me to know they read it. But I also love the sense of having a discussion that can come from good comments. It helps both the reader and writer feel more connected, as you said.

    • Paul on July 15, 2024 at 9:59 pm

      Hi Jeanine,

      I love your perspective on engaging with readers through thoughtful comments! It’s wonderful to see how genuine discussion can enhance the connection between writer and reader. Your appreciation for constructive feedback, even when it’s a disagreement, truly embodies the spirit of open dialogue. Let’s keep these meaningful conversations going, fostering a community where we all feel more connected and inspired!

  4. Tamara on July 15, 2024 at 1:11 pm

    Great post, Paul!

    Just kidding 😉

    That’s a post every blogger / visitor needs to read and implement. I admit it can be hard for me to comment on posts I don’t read “voluntarily” – like as per blog challenge thread rules. Sometimes there are posts about books that don’t sound interesting to me, about dog food, contain more affiliated links than actual content or political views I don’t agree with. So I like to keep it respectful but short.

    Thank you for returning to my blog and leaving your comment for a second time – much appreciated!

    • Paul on July 15, 2024 at 10:11 pm

      Hi Tamara!

      I totally get where you’re coming from! It can be tricky to comment on posts that don’t grab your interest right away, especially with all those affiliate links or political content. Keeping it respectful and short is definitely a good strategy. And kudos for sticking with the blog challenge rules and engaging anyway—that’s dedication! Thanks for being a thoughtful commenter and for sharing your insights. Keep up the great work!

  5. Martha on July 15, 2024 at 9:24 pm

    WOW this is so detailed and easy to follow the benefits of leaving a good comment. I do have a question though, when I leave a comment, I always like to start with something positive about the post but sometimes I find it challenging if it’s a topic I have no clue as to what I’m reading or it’s just not interesting to me. How do we handle that? Thanks for all this “food for thought”

    • Paul on July 15, 2024 at 10:13 pm

      Hi Martha!

      When it comes to commenting on topics that you’re not familiar with or don’t find interesting, try to highlight a specific aspect of the post that you can appreciate, such as the clarity of writing or the effort put into research. You could say something like, “I can see how much effort you put into explaining this topic clearly.” This way, you’re still contributing positively without needing deep knowledge or interest in the subject. Keep enjoying the blogging journey!

  6. Kebba Buckley Button on July 15, 2024 at 9:55 pm

    Paul, thanks for another organized and timely discussion of the best ways to comment on blog posts. I noticed and appreciated the detailed comment you left for me. Your style definitely communicates that you have read and thought about the post. Thank you! Aside from spammers, the worst comment I ever received was on a post about DHEA, the master hormone. The entire article was about how you should never take DHEA as a supplement, rather engage in the pleasant activities that cause your own metabolism to generate it. The comment: “Wow! How did you ever hear about this great supplement?” So the man had not read the post *at all*. I read them. It’s more fun that way, too.

    • Paul on July 15, 2024 at 10:15 pm

      Hi Kebba,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It’s great to hear how much you value thoughtful comments. That DHEA story is a perfect example of why genuine engagement is so important. It’s much more rewarding to actually read and connect with the content, just like you do. Keep up the great work, and here’s to many more meaningful blog interactions!

  7. Amanda Johnson on July 23, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    Thank you for the insight and better understanding of how comments mutually benefit the blogger and the commentator!

    • Paul on July 23, 2024 at 8:52 pm

      Sure thing! Comments can be a win-win for both!

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