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6 Creative Strategies to Never Run Out of Blog Ideas

Once you start blogging, you will have difficulty coming up with something to write about; we all experience blogger’s block from time to time. This is no reason, however, to stop giving your subscribers the content they’ve been waiting for. There’s nothing worse than leaving your readers hanging high and dry when you do not give them the content they crave!

Put the shoe on the other foot… what if you went to your favorite website and there was nothing new listed on the site? As a reader, what would YOU be feeling at that point? Well, that is probably what your readers will feel when you do not post on your site.

Here are 6 ways to come up with something to blog about!

1) You Can Be Your Inspiration

Your blog may be one that is all ‘niched out’ and may not be a ‘personal blog,’ but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring aspects of your personal life into what you are writing! For example, as I write this, I am cooling down from exercising with kettlebells. For the first 3 people who leave a comment below with the word ‘kettlebell’ – but do NOT mention the Digital Maestro Academy, I will give you a free month’s membership! If you can relate personal experience to the topics you write about, then do so. Sometimes, you have to get creative, but your blog posts will be more attractive as a result!

For example, on my Digital Maestro website, I wrote about 3 Lessons About WordPress I Learned While I Traveled over.

2) Use Your Favorite Search Engine

Why not search your topic, idea, niche, and see what pops up in the search results! The first rule is that you do not want to plagiarize the article and copy what was written, but it can provide you with some great ideas that you can write about.  Sometimes as you are reading, it will provoke a thought that prompts another thought, that leads to yet another thought!. Have a read around blogs in your niche – maybe even blogs outside of your niche – and see what they’re writing about. Either use this as inspiration for your own topics or write a direct response to what’s already out there.

3) Check Your Analytics

Not sure about what to write? See what people are looking for on your site! Check out what people have been reading the most about. You can do this by checking your stats from your anayltics and seeing which of  your posts are most popular! There is a good change that people will want to read more about that topic, or a related topic!

Take a look at the keywords people are typing in to find your site. Chances are that some of the things they’re searching for aren’t on your blog yet. Why not use these keywords as ideas for future blog posts? You’ll also have the added benefit of knowing there’s a future audience for those posts!

4) Test Something And Post Your Results

If you’re really stuck for ideas, why not give yourself a challenge and post the results? For example, in the personal development niche this could mean making a gratitude list each day and writing about the effects. Or you could try a new fitness program and write about how you’re dealing with it. In most cases, readers in any niche love to read real life case studies!

5) Use Videos

Here is a great tip when you absolutely have brain Block! Head over to YouTube and see if there’s an interesting video you can share with your subscribers. Find a good, well done video (or a not so good video as long as the content is good) and embed the video into a post where you give your own personal comments. Let folks know what you like (or don’t like) about the video. This is a super-fast way to come up with content that’s still interesting. As a bonus for you, if people are watching the video for 10 minutes, it is keeping them on your site for 10 minutes! Long visits are beneficial in the eyes of search engines!

6) Invite Readers To Ask Questions

Finally, when you are pump tuckered out and cannot find ANYTHING to write about… just ask! Ask your readers what they wnat to read about. Ask them what issues they are facing. Ask them how you can be of service to them! What better way of coming up with content that your readers will enjoy than to invite them to ask questions? Write up a quick post one day asking them what they want to know, then post a follow up a few days later with all the answers. This last method is also an excellent way to connect with your audience.

These 6 ways should give you something that you can write about on any day. If you want more ideas, let  me know! Leave a comment asking for additional ideas.


  1. Elisa on October 5, 2024 at 11:43 am

    I love all of these suggestions! Unfortunately, when I invite readers to ask questions, they are too busy lifting their kettlebells, and I get no response. 😂

  2. Diana Walker on October 5, 2024 at 4:59 pm

    What a lot of great suggestions and each one can be so helpful to get blogging again! Sometimes I neglect mine for a month or more… I am so grateful for your support and inspiration, Paul! Have a great weekend!

  3. Jodi Robertson on October 5, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    I have a few different weights of kettlebell but am not quite to that part of my 31 Day Fall Fitness Challenge. I’m still researching the best exercises for me. I do have quite a few blog ideas for other topics and series, but I wonder if I should dictate them to myself to get my plans out quicker.

  4. Jodi Robertson on October 5, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    I do have a question. When going through old content on my website, if I choose to revamp old pages into current, relevant content – is it better to trash the old page or post?

  5. cheryl on October 5, 2024 at 6:57 pm


  6. Martha on October 5, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    Great suggestions Paul. I sometimes come up with ideas from someone else’s blog and can expand on their topic. I also scan through my photos to get ideas for blogs, those are good memory joggers!

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